Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ruby and Object databases

When I first started studying back in the late nineties, in the days before XML and SOA, The buzzword technology of the day was Object Databases.

These new databases promised a way to easily manage data without the pain of binding to a relational database.

Fast forward almost a decade; Oracle is still top dog and MySQL is the bees-knees in the OSS world. Object databases have pretty much been relegated to the niche of enterprise computing and they are either ridiculously expensive, or feature incomplete.

Which brings me to my next gripe: Unless you've been living under a technological rock, Ruby is the new bright OO language on the block and it is the language I chose to develop my little personal time keeping application. One of the requirements for this application is the ability to run off my USB flash disk. Another requirement is the ability to add new features without spending half a century worth of development time to create it, hence the choice to use Ruby. It therefore stands to reason that a nice, simple embedded Object Database is the perfect choice for my little application.

That is of course until I decided to go hunting in Open Source world for a nice Ruby Object Database and found pretty much nothing.

All is not lost however, I do think though that this is an interesting project, so if you are interested in creating an open source Ruby Object Database; let me know.

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